
It's been so long since I've written on this platform regularly. I think about making writing a regular part of my life again just about every day, but an endless list of excuses get in the way. I don't have time. It's not productive. I sit front of the computer for work and don't want …


To use a favorite analogy of my coworker Karl, life is like spinning a bunch of plates in the air, trying to keep them from crashing to the ground and shattering into a million pieces. I tend to think of my own life like a Venn diagram with five circles: Exercise/outdoor adventure, work, home, a …


I had this teacher in high school who said he went into teaching because he was always scared of public speaking, and he tries to do things he's scared of. I don't think about much from high school. It wasn't exactly my favorite period of my life. But I think about this statement a lot. Most …


I like to be outside. I like to ride my bike. I like to run. But these things are more than just hobbies. They are necessary to my existence as a happy human being. I wouldn't call myself "naturally happy." It seems like happiness comes so much easier to other people. Despite the fact that …